
Thursday, February 2, 2012

The hiya papaya Girls!

A bit off topic-I've been so busy packing that I haven't crocheted ANYTHING in DAYS...  ugh!

A while back, I entered a contest on the hiya papaya photography blog.  My amazingly talented cousin Audrey (she is a singer/songwriter with a GORGEOUS voice) told me about it, and the contest sounded so fun that i just had to be a part of it!

It was called the BeYOUtiful Campaign, and the idea was to think about what really makes you beautiful.  Not so much on the outside, but what truly makes you a beautiful person.  I have to admit, it took some thought (and some sweet words and encouragement from my husband) to come up with an answer that felt right.  I submitted my entry and was one of the top 15 finalists who won a FREE photo shoot with these AMAZING women!  They are seriously the sweetest gals, and they kept me smiling the whole time.  :)  Check out their blog, and while you're at it you can check out my photo shoot!

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